- Muhammad Abbas Ahmad Zaini, Mohd Azizi Che Yunus, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Relationship between helium degassing of cattle-manure-compost adsorbents and copper ions removal, International Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2, 262-266 (2012).
- Kimitaka Takeya, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effects of N:P ratio and temperature on growth and competition of Microcystis aeruginosa and Cyclotella sp. in eutrophic condition, Japanese Journal of Water Treatment Biology, 48(2), 37-43 (2012).
- Yuji Ono, Yoshimasa Amano, Takako Nakamura, Motoi Machida. Removal of 4,6-Dimethyldibenzothiophene from model diesel fuel using activated carbon with sulfo group, TANSO, No.253, 100-105 (2012).
- Mami Furuyado, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effect of coexisting aromatic compound for Cd(II) adsorption onto activated carbon fiber, SEN'I GAKKAISHI, 68(5), 138-141 (2012).
- Yoshimasa Amano, Yoshinori Misugi, Motoi Machida. Adsorptive behavior of phosphate onto activated carbons varying surface physicochemical properties, Separation Science and Technology, 47(16), 2348-2357 (2012).
- Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Influence of initial cell densities of Cyclotella sp. on the dominance of Microcystis aeruginosa under High N:P ratio, Journal of Water and Environmental Technology, 10(1), 1-10 (2012).
- Miki Sakuma, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Water vapor adsorption-desorption properties of bamboo charcoals prepared by air oxidation following low temperature carbonization, TANSO, No.252, 1-7 (2012).
- Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effect of polarities of aromatic compounds and acidic functional groups of carbon surface on adsorption, KAGAKU KOGAKU RONBUNSHU, 38(2), 102-109 (2012).
- Kosei Takahashi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Growth and competitive characteristics of the blue-green alga Microcystis aeruginosa and the diatom Cyclotella sp. under nitrogen limitation, The bulletin of Japanese Society of Phycology, 60(1), 1-8 (2012).
- Takayuki Watanabe, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Screening of powdered activated carbons to remove 2-methylisoborneol for drinking water, Water Science & Technology: Water Supply, 12(3), 300-308 (2012).
- Yoshimasa Amano, Kosei Takahashi, Motoi Machida. Competition between the cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and the diatom Cyclotella sp. under nitrogen-limited condition caused by dilution in eutrophic lake, Journal of Applied Phycology, 24(4), 965-971 (2012).
- Motoi Machida, Babak Fotoohi, Yoshimasa Amano, Louis Mercier. Cadmium(U) and lead(U) adsorption onto hetero-atom functional mesoporous silica and activated carbon, Applied Surface Science, 258, 7389-7394 (2012).
-国際学会/国内学会-(International / Domestic Conferences)
- Shohei Oishi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Adsorption properties of organic compounds with different sizes on activated carbons with different pore diameters, Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012, Environmental Chemistry session, EC02, CD-ROM (2012).
- Rui Wang, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Water vapor adsorption-desorption of bamboo-based activated carbons with various structural and surface characteristics, Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012, Environmental Chemistry session, EC03, CD-ROM (2012).
- Kosei Takahashi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effects of nitrogen concentration on the growth, uptake, and competition between Microcystis aeruginosa and Cyclotella sp., Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012, Environmental Chemistry session, EC04, CD-ROM (2012).
- Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effects of acidic functional groups of activated carbon and mesoporous silica and polarity of adsorbate on adsorption characteristic of aromatic compounds, Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012, Environmental Chemistry session, EC06, CD-ROM (2012).
- Ryohei Takeuchi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Mechanisms on the transition of dominance species between Scenedesmus quadricauda and Microcystis aeruginosa in eutrophic condition, Proceedings of the 5th Indonesia Japan Joint Scientific Symposium (IJJSS) 2012, Environmental Chemistry session, EC08, CD-ROM (2012).
- 飯田達也,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.活性炭の表面状態によって変化する硝酸イオンの吸着特性,日本陸水学会(名古屋),第77回大会講演要旨集,111(2012年9月).
- 杉本晃一,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.さまざまな栄養レベルによって変化する藍藻類Microcystis aeruginosaの浮揚特性,日本陸水学会(名古屋),第77回大会講演要旨集,121(2012年9月).
- Shohei Oishi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Adsorption properties of organic compounds with different molecular sizes on activated carbons (AC) with different pore diameters, Water and Environmental Technology Conference (WET2012), p.56 (2012).
- Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Study of adsorption mechanism; Effects of polarities of adsorbates and acidic functional groups of adsorbent surface, Water and Environmental Technology Conference (WET2012), p.30 (2012).
- Ryohei Takeuchi, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Competitive characteristics of Scenedesmus quadricauda and Microcystis aeruginosa under the nitrogen limited conditions, Water and Environmental Technology Conference (WET2012), p.24 (2012).
- Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Mechanisms of algal species dominance among cyanobacteria, diatoms and green algae as a consequence of phosphorus reduction caused by river water dilution in eutrophic lake, Water and Environmental Technology Conference (WET2012), p.7 (2012).
- Rui Wang, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Surface properties and water vapor adsorption-desorption characteristics of bamboo-based activated carbon, The 6th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-6), "Environmental Applications-4", p.170 (2012)
- Hiroaki Yoshida, Yoshimasa Amano, Motoi Machida. Effects of polarities of aromatic compounds and acidic functional groups of adsorbent surface on adsorption, The 6th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-6), "Fundamentals-1", p.45 (2012)
- Yoshimasa Amano, Yufuku Matsushita, Motoi Machida. Adsorptive characteristics of arsenic ion by activated carbon under different solution pH and coexistence ions, The 6th Pacific Basin Conference on Adsorption Science and Technology (PBAST-6), "Fundamentals-1", p.41 (2012)
- 高橋康成,天野佳正,町田基.窒素の取り込みからみたMicrocystis aeruginosa およびCyclotella sp. の増殖および競合特性,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,114 (2012年3月).
- 榮田愛,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.N/P 比をパラメータとした藍藻類Microcystis aeruginosa と珪藻類Cyclotella sp. の増殖および競合特性,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,115 (2012年3月).
- 天野佳正,町田基.Microcystis aeruginosa, Cyclotella sp. およびScenedesmus quadricauda の優占化に及ぼすリン濃度の影響,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,116 (2012年3月).
- 太田和成,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.活性炭への硝酸イオン吸着に及ぼす共存陰イオンの影響,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,194 (2012年3月).
- 松下祐福,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.ヒ素の化学種形態により変化する活性炭へのヒ素吸着特性,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,196 (2012年3月).
- 竹内亮平,天野佳正,町田基.窒素制限下におけるMicrocystis aeruginosa およびScenedesmus quadricauda の競合特性,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,227 (2012年3月).
- 小嶋理佐,天野佳正,相川正美,町田基.水溶液中のリン濃度によって変化するScenedesmus quadricauda とMicrocystis aeruginosa の増殖及び競合特性,日本水環境学会(東京),第46回日本水環境学会年会講演集,228 (2012年3月).