野本知理 (Tomonori Nomoto)

千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 助教

大学院融合理工学府 先進理化学専攻 共生応用化学コース 計測化学研究室
工学部 総合工学科 共生応用化学コース 計測化学研究室


Address: 263-8522 千葉県千葉市稲毛区弥生町1-33
Office: 千葉大学西千葉キャンパス工学系総合研究棟1−2階
TEL: 043-290-3502
FAX: 043-290-3504
ORCID: 0000-0003-3233-3144
ResearchMap: https://researchmap.jp/NOMOTO_Tomonori


平成12年 3月 東京大学理学部化学科卒業
平成14年 3月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻 修士課程修了・修士(理学)
平成17年 3月 東京大学大学院理学系研究科化学専攻 博士課程修了・博士(理学)
平成17年 4月 科学技術振興機構 戦略的創造推進事業CREST
中嶋チーム 周期デザイン基板創成・クラスター修飾基板評価グループ 博士研究員
平成20年 4月 神戸大学分子フォトサイエンス研究センター 学術研究員
平成22年 2月 千葉大学大学院工学研究科 助教(共生応用化学専攻)
平成29年 4月 千葉大学大学院工学研究院 助教(大学院融合理工学府 共生応用化学コース)


  1. 平成22年度公益信託分子科学奨励森野基金, 8月, 2010年.
  2. 平成21年度分子科学会優秀講演賞(第3回分子科学討論会(名古屋)), 10月, 2009年.
  3. 平成20年度(社)日本分光学会年次講演会 若手講演賞, 11月, 2008年.

List of Publications


  1. "Deformation dynamics of an oil droplet into a crescent shape during intermittent motion"
    Sayaka Otani, Hiroaki Ito, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami, Jerzy Górecki and Hiroyuki Kitahata,
    Phys. Rev. E 110, (2024), 044602.
  2. "Flow-Driven Self-Propulsion of Oil Droplet on a Surfactant Solution Surface as Observed by Time-Resolved Interfacial Tension and Surface Flow Speed Measurements"
    Tomonori Nomoto, Haruki Kimura, Chiari Luca, Toyota Taro, Fujinami Masanori, Langmuir, 40(8), (2024), 4468-4474.
  3. "Time-resolved Measurements of Interfacial Tension and Flow Speed of the Inclined Water Surface around a Self-propelled Camphor Boat by the Quasi-Elastic Laser Scattering Method"
    Tomonori Nomoto, Marumo Mizuki, Chiari Luca, Toyota Taro, Fujinami Masanori, J. Phys. Chem. B, 127(12), (2023), 2863-2871.
  4. "Color-observable simple Raman spectroscope for live exhibitions using a consumer digital camera"
    Tomonori Nomoto, Journal of Chemical Education, 98(10), (2021), 3356-3361.
  5. "Effects of cholesterol concentration and osmolarity on fluidity and membrane tension of free-standing black lipid membranes"
    Tomonori Nomoto, Masahiro Takahashi, Takuya Fujii, Luca Chiari, Taro Toyota, Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 34(11), (2018), 1237-1242.
  6. "Experimental Investigation of the Self-Propelled Motion of a Sodium Oleate Tablet and Boat at an Oil-Water Interface"
    Yasuhito Watahiki, Tomonori Nomoto, Luca Chiari, Taro Toyota, and Masanori Fujinami, Langmuir, 34(19), (2018), 5487-5494.
  7. "Motion modes of two self-propelled camphor boats on the surface of a surfactant-containing solution"
    Yuichiro Karasawa, Tomonori Nomoto, Luca Chiari, Taro Toyota, Masanori Fujinami, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 511, (2018), 184-192.
  8. "Assemblies of molecular aggregates in the blebbing motion of an oil droplet on an aqueous solution containing surfactant"
    Shoko Uemoto, Taro Toyota, Luca Chiari, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 529, (2017), 373-379.
  9. "Effects of halide ions on the acceptor phase in spontaneous chemical oscillations in donor/membrane /acceptor systems"
    Kazuma Goto, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, Masanori Fujinami, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 462, (2016), 351-358.
  10. "Measurement of membrane tension of free standing lipid bilayers via laser-induced surface deformation spectroscopy"
    Tomohiko Takei, Tatsuya Yaguchi, Takuya Fujii, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota and Masanori Fujinami, Soft Matter, 11, (2015), 8641-8647.
  11. "Changes in Interfacial Tension of a Lipid Membrane Formed at the Water/Chloroform Interface upon DNA Complex Formation"
    Masashi Ohno, Taro Toyota, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 31(10), (2015), 979-986.
  12. "Interfacial tension in adsorption of lysozyme onto a lipid monolayerformed at a water/chloroform interface"
    Masashi Ohno, Taro Toyota, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami,Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 480, (2015), 85-90.
  13. "Development of a non-blurring, dual-imaging tissue marker for gastrointestinal tumor localization"
    Hideki Hayashi, Taro Toyota, Shoichi Goto, Aki Ooishi, Tao Gao, Lau Bik Ee, Hirosuke Hatayama, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami, and Hisahiro Matsubara, Surgical Endoscopy, 29(6), (2014), 1445-1451.
  14. "Molecular building blocks and their architecture in biologically/environmentally compatible soft matter chemical machinery"
    Taro Toyota, Taisuke Banno, Sachiko Nitta, Masahiro Takinoue, Tomonori Nomoto, Yuno Natsume, Shuichi Matsumura, and Masanori Fujinami, Journal of Oleo Science, 63(11), (2014), 1085-1098.
  15. "Quasi-elastic Laser Scattering for Measuring Inhomogeneous Interfacial Tension in Non-equilibrium Phenomena with Convective Flows",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, and Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 30(7), (2014), 707-716.
  16. "Simultaneous Measurement of Surface Tension and its Gradient around a Moving Camphor Boat on a Water Surface",
    Yuichiro Karasawa, Shogo Oshima, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, and Masanori Fujinami, Chemistry Letters, (2014), 1002-1004.
  17. "Surface Tension Gradient around an Alcohol Droplet Moving Spontaneously on Water Surface",
    Shogo Oshima, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, and Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 30(4), (2014), 441-444.
  18. "Spontaneous oscillation mechanism by simultaneous time-resolved measurement of interfacial tensions of both donor/membrane and membrane/acceptor phases",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Kazuma Goto, Koyo Uchiyama, Taro Toyota, and Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 30(3), (2014), 463-469.
  19. "Giant vesicle functionally expressing membrane receptors for insect pheromone ",
    Satoshi Hamada, Masashi Tabuchi, Taro Toyota, Takeshi Sakurai, Tomohiro Hosoi, Tomonori Nomoto, Kei Nakatani, Masanori Fujinami, and Ryohei Kanzaki, Chemical Communications, 50(22), (2014), 2958-2961.
  20. "Application of a Novel Near Infrared-Fluorescence Giant Vesicleand Polymerasome-based Tissue Marker for Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Navigation",
    Hirosuke Hatayama, Taro Toyota, Hideki Hayashi, Tomonori Nomoto, and Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 30(2), (2014), 225-230.
  21. "Delayed Response of Interfacial Tension in Propagating Chemical Waves of the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction without Stirring",
    Ryo Tanaka, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, Hiroyuki Kitahata, and Masanori Fujinami, J. Phys. Chem. B, 117 (44), (2013), 13893-13898.
  22. "Tip-enhanced Raman Spectroscopy of Lipid Bilayers in Water with an Alumina- and Silver-coated Tungsten Tip ",
    Atsushi Nakata, Tomonori Nomoto, Taro Toyota, Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 29(9), (2013), 865-869, and the cover page.
  23. "Effects of Surfactants and Electrolytes on Chemical Oscillation at a Water/Nitrobenzene Interface Investigated by Quasi-elastic Laser Scattering Method",
    Taro Toyota, Koyo Uchiyama, Takahiro Kimura, Tomonori Nomoto, Masanori Fujinami, Analytical Sciences, 29(9), (2013), 911-917.
  24. "Phonon mode of TiO2 coupled with the electron transfer from N3 dye",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Keita Fujio, Akira Sasahara, Hajime Okajima, Naoki Koide, Hiroyuki Katayama, and Hiroshi Onishi, J. Chem. Phys.,138(22) (2013) 224704.
  25. "Time-Domain Infrared-Visible-Visible Sum-Frequency Generation for Surface Vibrational Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, J. Phys. Chem. C (letter), 113(52) (2009) 21467-21470, and the cover page.
  26. "Optically excited near-surface phonons of TiO2 (110) observed by fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Akira Sasahara, and Hiroshi Onishi, J. Chem. Phys., 131(8) (2009) 084703.
  27. "Fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy of liquid-solid interfaces: near-surface phonons of TiO2 (110) in liquids",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Applied Spectroscopy, 63(8) (2009) 941-946.
  28. "Photoinduced Dynamics of TiO2 Doped with Cr and Sb",
    Toshitatsu Ikeda, Tomonori Nomoto, Kazuo Eda, Yasuhisa Mizutani, Hideki Kato, Akihiko Kudo, and Hiroshi Onishi, J. Phys. Chem. C, 112(4) (2008) 1167 - 1173.
  29. "Fourth-order Raman spectroscopy of adsorbed organic species on TiO2 surface",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Chem. Phys. Lett., 455(4-6) (2008) 343-347.
  30. "Fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy in a time domain: applications to buried interfaces",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. (perspective), 9(41) (2007) 5515-5521.
  31. "Excited-state structure and dynamics of 1,3,5-tris(phenylethynyl)benzene as studied by Raman and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Haruko Hosoi, Tatsuya Fujino, Tahei Tahara and Hiro-o Hamaguchi, J. Phys. Chem. A, 111(15) (2007) 2907-2912.
  32. "Structure of the S1 state of diphenylacetylene as studied by time-resolved CARS and infrared spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Taka-aki ishibashi, Hiromi Okamoto and Hiro-o Hamaguchi, J. Mol. Struct., 735-736 (2005) 197-202.


  1. "デジタル一眼カメラを使った演示用簡易ラマン分光器", 野本知理, 分光研究, 71(1) (2022) 22-24.
  2. "化学物質を感知する人工細胞センサー──性フェロモンのレセプター遺伝子をベシクル内で発現させる",
    豊田太郎, 藤浪真紀, 野本知理, 神崎亮平, 櫻井健志, 中谷 敬, 化学, Vol.69(2014), No.7, 12-16.
  3. "光と物質の相互作用", 野本知理, 藤浪真紀, 砥粒加工学会誌, 56(8) (2012) 511-514.
  4. "Surface vibrations of TiO2 in liquids observed by fourth-order Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO - Technical Digest 2007, Article number 4391236.
  5. "Cr, Sb共ドープTiO2光触媒の励起キャリアダイナミクス",
    池田俊達, 野本知理, 加藤英樹, 工藤昭彦, 大西洋, 触媒, 48 (2006) 116-118.


  1. "Low-Frequency Vibrations of TiO2 Observed by Surface Sensitive Time-Domain Vibrational Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, The 1st Ultrafast Dynamics Symposium, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Jan, 2010.
  2. "Low-Frequency Vibrations of TiO2 Surface Observed by Fourth-order Coherent Raman Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, The 6th Asian Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena (ACUP2010), Taipei, Taiwan, Jan, 2010.
  3. "Near-surface low-frequency vibrations of TiO2 (110) observed by fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Recent Progress in Spectroscopy and Theory in Chemistry, Kolkata, India, March, 2009.
  4. "Surface Vibrations of TiO2 Interfaces Observed by Fourth-Order Raman Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, Mini-Symposium on "Low-Frequency Spectra in Condensed Phases; Molecular Dynamics and Intermolecular Interactions", Kobe, Japan, June, 2007.


  1. "Observation of potential dependence of tip-enhanced Raman spectra of adsorbed p-aminothiophenol on gold",
    Tomonori Nomoto,Masanori Fujinami,RSC Tokyo International Conference 2014, - Analytical Technology Towards Future Society -, International Conference Session, JASIS Conference, A131,Makuhari Messe,Chiba,Sep. 4-5,2014.
  2. "Low-frequency vibrations observed by surface sensitive time-domain nonlinear vibrational spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, 2010 International Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PACIFICHEM 2010), 536, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, Dec, 2010.
  3. "Observation of near-surface phonons of TiO2 (110) coherently excited by terahertz electric field: Time-domain infrared-visible-visible vibrational sum frequency generation for surface spectroscopy:",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, The International Workshop on Terahertz Technology 2009, Osaka, Japan, Dec, 2009.
  4. "Near-surface low-frequency vibrations of TiO2 observed by fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, The Fourteenth International Conference on Time-Resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Meredith, NH, USA, May, 2009.
  5. "Near-surface low-frequency vibrations of TiO2 (110) observed by fourth-order coherent Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, International Symposium on "Recent Advances in Terahertz Spectroscopy, Microspectroscopy, and Living Cell Spectroscopy in Molecular Science and Molecular Imaging", 2008 Annual Meeting of the Spectroscopical Society of Japan, Sendai, Japan, November, 2008.
  6. "Surface vibrations of TiO2 in liquids observed by fourth-order Raman spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, ThB3-2, The 7th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Seoul, Korea, August, 2007.
  7. "Observation of Rutile (110) Surface Covered with Organic Molecules by Fourth-order Raman Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiroshi Onishi, 6th IUVSTA Workshop & 5th International Symposium on Ultrafast Surface Dynamics, Abashiri, Japan, May, 2006.
  8. "Observation of adsorbed molecules on Rutile TiO2 (110) by fourth order Raman Spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Masatoshi Ikeda and Hiroshi Onishi, Japan Science and Technology Agency Joint International Symposium on Creation of Nanoscale Designed Surfaces and their Electronic and Catalytic Properties, P13, Tokyo, Japan, September, 2005.
  9. "Excited-state structures and dynamics of 1,3,5-tris(phenylethynyl)benzene by time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Haruko Hosoi, Tatsuya Fujino, Tahei Tahara and Hiro-o Hamaguchi, Discussion Meeting on Advances in Spectroscopy, Bangalore, India, February, 2005.
  10. "Picosecond time-resolved fluorescence studies of diphenylacetylene and its derivatives",
    Tomonori Nomoto and Hiro-o Hamaguchi, The 14th SNU-UT-NTU Joint Chemistry Symposium, Seoul, Korea, October, 2003.
  11. "Vibrational spectra and structure of the S1 state of diphenylacetylene by picosecond CARS and infrared specctroscopy",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Taka-aki Ishibashi, Hiromi Okamoto and Hiro-o Hamaguchi, The Tenth International Conference on Time-resolved Vibrational Spectroscopy, Okazaki, Japan, May, 2001.


  1. "界面のダイナミクス計測のための分光手法開発", 野本知理, 理研シンポジウム"表面界面におけるエネルギーの移動と変換", 和光, 11月21日, 2014年.
  2. "4次のコヒーレントラマン分光法による二酸化チタン表面の振動スペクトル",


  1. "表面張力・流れ分布計測による自走ヘキサノール液滴の運動機構",
    ○野本知理, 丸茂瑞希, Chiari Luca, 豊田太郎, 藤浪真紀, 第75回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会, 仙台, 3D11, 9/17-20, 2024.
  2. "傾斜界面対応型時間分解界面張力・流速測定法の開発による自走樟脳船周囲の界面張力・流速分布計測",
    ○野本知理, 丸茂瑞希, 落合時生, Chiari Luca, 豊田太郎, 藤浪真紀, 第74回コロイドおよび界面化学討論会, 長野, 1C05, 9/12-15, 2023.
  3. "時間分解界面張力・界面流速測定によるドデシル硫酸ナトリウム水溶液上のサリチル酸ブチル液滴自走の駆動メカニズム",
    木村春樹, ○野本知理, Chiari Luca, 豊田太郎, 藤浪真紀, 第83回分析化学討論会, 富山, A2003, 5/20-21, 2023.
  4. "デジタル一眼カメラを使った分光実験ライブ演示用簡易分光器",
    ○野本 知理, 日本化学会第102回春季年会, オンライン開催, D201-3pm-02 , 3/23-26, 2022.
  5. "自立型脂質二重膜の膜張力・流動性におけるコレステロール濃度・浸透圧の効果",
    ○野本 知理・高橋昌裕・藤井拓也・Luca Chiari・豊田太郎・藤浪眞紀, 第79回分析化学討論会, 北九州, H2012, 5/18-19, 2019.
  6. "表面対流および表面張力計測による水溶液表面における樟脳船自走運動機構の液性依存性",
    ○野本 知理・豊田 太郎・藤浪 眞紀, 分析化学会第67年会, 仙台, D3012, 9/12-14, 2018.
  7. "ラマンスペクトル電位応答の探針増強のための探針表面保護",
  8. "チップ増強ラマン分光法による脂質膜の振動スペクトル測定",
    ○野本知理,中田 惇,豊田太郎,藤浪真紀,第6回分子科学討論会,3P052,東京,9月,2012年.
  9. "二酸化チタン表面の第2高調波発生におけるχ(2)位相方位依存性",
    ○野本知理,大西 洋,第4回分子科学討論会,3P050,大阪,9月,2010年.
  10. "二酸化チタン表面の界面敏感な振動スペクトル測定",
    ○野本知理,大西 洋,表面・界面スペクトロスコピー2009,札幌,12月,2009年.
  11. "N3色素吸着TiO2(110)表面の4次ラマン応答と電子励起ダイナミクス",
    ○野本知理,小出直城,片山博之,大西 洋,第3回分子科学討論会,2D19,名古屋,9月,2009年.
  12. "THz光パルス励起によるTiO2表面近傍のコヒーレントフォノン検出",
    ○野本知理,大西洋,第70回応用物理学会学術講演会,10a-M-10, 富山,9月,2009年.
  13. "界面近傍でのTHz光パルス検出:界面の低波数振動スペクトル測定に向けて",
  14. "TiO2界面の四次コヒーレントラマン分光",
  15. "4次のコヒーレントラマン分光法による二酸化チタン(110)表面フォノンのスペクトル",
  16. "4次のコヒーレントラマン分光法で観測されたルチル型二酸化チタンの表面フォノンモードの帰属",
  17. "4次のコヒーレントラマン分光法による二酸化チタン(110)表面の振動スペクトル",
  18. "時間分解第二高調波発生法による二酸化チタン粉末表面過渡信号の検出",
  19. "四次ラマン分光法による固体-液体界面の観測",
  20. "4次ラマン分光法による分子吸着ルチル型二酸化チタン(110)表面の測定",
  21. "デンドリマー光エネルギー捕集の初期過程:1,3,5-Tris(phenylethynyl)benzeneの電子励起状態の構造とダイナミクス",
  22. "時間分解蛍光分光法によるデンドリマー構成分子1,3,5-Tris(phenylethynyl)- benzeneの励起非局在化",
  23. "時間分解蛍光分光法による1,3,5-Tris(phenylethynyl)benzeneの電子励起状態の構造とダイナミクス",
    ○野本知理, M口宏夫,東京大学21世紀COE(化学・材料系)「動的分子論に立脚したフロンティア基礎化学」「化学を基盤とするヒューマンマテリアル創成」合同シンポジウム,P-96,東京,6月,2004年.
  24. "ジフェニルアセチレンの一重項電子励起状態の振動スペクトルと構造",


  1. "太陽系シミュレーターとヒップライナー", 半田利弘, 木村かおる, 高幣俊之, 野本知理, 天文教育 2010年 9月号(Vol.22 No.5), pp18-27.
  2. "Interstellar spaceship simulator for astronomical education and communications", Tomonori Nomoto, "Global Hands-On Universe 2007 For Win-Win Relations between Science Research and Education", Edited by T. Handa and M. Okyudo, Universal Academy Press,Inc. Tokyo, Japan, pp. 147-151, 2008.
  3. "Scientific Live Show in Computerized Theater: Universe", Tomonori Nomoto, Tetsuya Ito, Kazuhisa Kamegai, Takahiro Konami, Toshiyuki Takahei, Isao Maruyama, Toshihiro Handa, Sorahiko Nukatani, Akiko Ono, Toshikazu Minagawa, Hikaru Okuno, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, and Tetsu Narumi, Astronomical Education with the Internet, Edited by M. Okyudo, T. Ebisuzaki, M. Nakayama, Universal Academy Press, Inc, pp.117-123, 1998.


  1. "実験室から配信する分光実験ライブショー",
    野本 知理, 第十回日本サイエンスコミュニケーション協会年会, オンライン開催, 12/12, 2021.
  2. "化学系実験室からライブ配信する分光実験ライブショー",
    野本 知理, 25周年記念JAHOU集会, オンライン開催, 5/1, 2021.
  3. "GAIA DR2による星空生成と科学ライブショーでの活用",
    野本知理, 第32回天文教育研究会(2018年天文教育普及研究会年会), 横浜(慶應義塾大学日吉キャンパス), 8月(8/5-7), 2018年.
  4. "光速に近い速度の宇宙船からの星空シミュレーションと天の川の見え方",
    野本知理, 日本天文学会2018年春季年会, Y12b(3/14), 千葉(千葉大学西千葉キャンパス), 3月(3/14-17), 2018年.
  5. "学生と研究者が作った"科学ライブショー「ユニバース」"の20年",
    野本知理, 後藤亮仁, 亀谷和久ほか, 第五回日本サイエンスコミュニケーション協会年会, S10, 筑波, 12月, 2016年.
  6. "Interstellar spaceship simulator for astronomical education and communications",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Global Hands-On Universe Conference 2007, Tokyo, Japan, 13-17 July, 2007.
  7. "Scientific Live Show in Computerized Theater: Universe",
    Tomonori Nomoto, Misato International Symposium 1998 on Astronomical Education with the Internet, Misato-Town, Wakayama, Japan, June 27-28, 1998.
  8. "太陽系近傍恒星位置3次元可視化ソフトウェアHippLinerを用いた科学館での演示",
    野本知理, 半田利弘, 天文学会2002年春季年会, Y17b, 水戸, 3月, 2002年.
  9. "3次元立体視天体位置表示ソフトウェアの開発-2",
    ○林雅治、宮路茂樹, 野本知理, 半田利弘, 内藤誠一郎, 天文学会2002年春季年会, Y11c, 水戸, 3月, 2002年.


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